A Proposed Model for Zonal Production Allocation of the Commingled Reservoirs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Khalda Petroleum Company, Egypt

2 Petroleum Engineering Dept. Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez university, Egypt


Multi-layered completed wells are the norm in stacked reservoirs as part of efforts to maximize the economics of scale and lowering development costs. Across the field's production life, measures need to be in place to properly allocate the production contributed by each flow unit; for proper reservoir management practices and production enhancement efforts. Prediction of injected water distribution in commingled reservoirs is an important factor in the enhancement of water flooding conformance. PLT (Production Logging Tool) and chemical tracer are examples of effective tools in predicting water distribution, but their limitations are cost and validity for long period. Developing an enhanced model for water distribution prediction can improve the water flooding development strategy and save the cost of commercial software licenses and repetitive PLT jobs. This model could be done by using a proper programming language to build a valid mathematical model. It’s necessary to gather PLT data for many fields to enhance the model accuracy by allocating the effect of different rock and fluid properties. Developing such a valid model requires a deep investigation of different factors and their weight in the model equations. Wide application using many PLT results will help to validate and develop the model. After reaching an acceptable accuracy, the model can be applied in waterflooding development projects to save PLTs cost and maximize the oil recovery. This model can help to take the right decisions upon W/F (Water Flooding) development strategy such as water shut-off, converting into injectors, and perforate/ reperforate oil zones.


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