Optimization of Delayed Coker Unit Process Variables for Enhancement of Product Yields

Document Type : Original Article


1 EPROM Company, MIDOR Refinery, Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Alexandria, 21934, Egypt

2 Refining and Petrochemical Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez 43512, Egypt


This study has been constructed using Aspen HYSYS ver.12.1 and regression analysis had been performed by MICROSOFT EXCEL 2010 to obtain new correlations to predict the product yields from delayed coker unit with a wide applicable range of operating variables which is more reliable with refineries data and a simulation molding of delayed coker unit has been accomplished to maximize the gas oil yield for a refinery data by optimization of process variables. The findings from optimization by linear programming performed by MICROSFT OFFICE EXCEL 2010 indicated that gas oil yield could be increased by 4 wt% instead of coke byproduct by lowering the recycle ratio to 5% wt from fresh feed and increasing the heater outlet temperature to 510°C. Also the results showed that the change in coke drum pressure has a minimal effect in product yield. The outcome from the modified process conditions has been studied and a profit estimated at approximately 40 million dollar yearly.


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